

Contrail is the premier MSFS marketplace for all your MSFS needs. From new scenery to aircraft, Contrail offers a great range of products at superb prices!

Some of my favourite add-ons available from Contrail:

CRJ Bundle | Aerosoft
EGCC Manchester | Macco Simulations
EBBR Brussels | Aerosoft
CYEG Edmonton | FSimStudios

Orbx is the home of flight simulation scenery. With over 350 products built in-house, Orbx’s library includes near and far destinations across MSFS, P3D, FSX and X-Plane.

Some of my favourite add-ons available from Orbx:

EGAA – Aldergrove | Pyreegue
LGSK – Skiathos | Orbx
KBUR – Burbank | Orbx
LKPR – Prague | Orbx